CNAD Notice & News

Exploration of New Opportunities: President of the National Commission of Digital Assets visits Penguin Academy in Paraguay

Exploration of New Opportunities: President of the National Commission of Digital Assets visits Penguin Academy in Paraguay

Asunción, Paraguay, May 27, 2024. In an effort to strengthen El Salvador’s technological ecosystem, Juan Carlos Reyes, President of the National Commission of Digital Assets (CNAD), recently visited Penguin Academy, an educational initiative of Penguin Group. During his visit, Reyes showed great interest in the CODEPRO program, an intensive 8-month course designed to train young people and adults in programming and technological skills.

This visit comes at a crucial time for El Salvador, which has established itself as a leader in the adoption of digital assets. The country has been a pioneer in using Bitcoin as legal tender, a move that has garnered global attention and attracted significant technological investments from global companies. These initiatives have positioned the country as a hub of innovation in financial technology. Therefore, education, the integration of advanced technologies, and the strengthening of the regulatory framework are essential to maintaining this leadership position and continuing to drive economic growth and technological innovation in the region.

Reyes highlighted the practical approach of CODEPRO, stating: “Through the Innovation Center, which is part of the National Commission of Digital Assets in my country, we seek to bring models like Penguin Academy to El Salvador.”

Delia Garcete, CEO of Penguin Academy, also expressed optimism about the possible collaboration: “This visit opens a brilliant opportunity to reach other countries with this innovative format, where we teach others the methodology of learning by doing.”

The potential alliance between Penguin Academy and the Innovation Center of Digital Assets promises mutual benefits, allowing CODEPRO to extend its reach and collaborating with El Salvador to establish itself as a center of technological innovation in Latin America. The implementation of training programs in programming and technological skills will strengthen the country’s digital ecosystem, preparing a new generation of professionals to face the challenges of the global market.

Additionally, this collaboration will place particular emphasis on the regulation of digital assets and the adoption of advanced technologies such as blockchain. The program would also integrate the use of traceability software like Chainalysis, crucial for ensuring transparency and security in digital transactions. This alliance not only highlights the commitment of both institutions to education and technological innovation but also to strengthening the regulatory framework, positioning El Salvador at the forefront of financial technology in the region.

About the National Commission of Digital Assets (CNAD)

The National Commission of Digital Assets (CNAD) of El Salvador is the regulatory entity responsible for promoting the development of digital assets, guaranteeing regulatory standards, fostering innovation, and ensuring secure transactions. Through strategic initiatives and collaborations, CNAD shapes the future of digital finance both in El Salvador and internationally.

About the Innovation Center of Digital Assets of El Salvador

The Innovation Center of El Salvador promotes innovation as a driving force for social and productive transformation. Through multisectoral and coordinated initiatives, it promotes research and development of Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies, establishing a National Innovation Ecosystem that integrates different sectors for productive development and the improvement of the country’s economic indicators.

About Penguin Academy

Penguin Academy is a Paraguayan institution dedicated to training in technology and programming, with innovative programs that prepare young people and adults to face the challenges of the contemporary labor market. Its mission is to transform energy into human potential, training the next generation of technological talents.