CNAD Notice & News

The National Commission of Digital Assets (CNAD) of El Salvador and the National Securities Commission (CNV) of Argentina strengthen collaboration in digital assets.

The National Commission of Digital Assets (CNAD) of El Salvador and the National Securities Commission (CNV) of Argentina strengthen collaboration in digital assets.

In a meeting held this past May 23rd, Juan Carlos Reyes, President of the National Commission of Digital Assets (CNAD) of El Salvador, met with Roberto E. Silva and Patricia Boedo, President and Vice President respectively of the National Securities Commission (CNV) of Argentina. During this meeting, they discussed El Salvador’s experience as the first country to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender and its pioneering role in the development of crypto assets.

In 2021, El Salvador became the first country in the world to incorporate Bitcoin, alongside the US dollar, as an official currency. This innovative measure has positioned the country as a leader in the use and development of digital assets. During the meeting, Dr. Silva highlighted: “El Salvador has emerged as one of the leading countries, not only in the use of Bitcoin but also in the world of crypto assets. It has created a specific commission, the National Commission of Digital Assets (CNAD), and therefore has experience that is very valuable to the CNV at this time.” He also expressed his interest in strengthening ties with El Salvador by exploring the possibility of signing cooperation agreements.

Since its establishment, the CNAD has been a pillar in the responsible development of digital assets in the region. Under President Reyes’ leadership, the Commission has worked diligently to implement solid regulations that foster innovation and security in the digital asset market. Juan Carlos Reyes, President of the CNAD, commented: “Argentina has excelled in the field of technology, and the National Securities Commission understands and wants to work with the industry efficiently to create appropriate regulation, as has happened in El Salvador. We recognize the value of seeking closer ties with the National Commission of Digital Assets of El Salvador, as we are leaders in creating a robust and regulated ecosystem through the participation of an innovative and experienced supervisory authority in the digital assets industry.”

Dr. Boedo, who recently visited El Salvador and participated in technical meetings focused on the development of securities markets and regulation, highlighted: “I want to emphasize El Salvador’s experience in the world of crypto assets. I had the opportunity to exchange experiences during my visit to that country, and I think it is essential to continue strengthening ties with a pioneering Republic in this field, which has vast experience in the subject.”

The collaboration between the CNAD and the CNV of Argentina reflects a mutual commitment to strengthening the supervision and regulation of digital assets in Latin America. Both commissions are focused on promoting the responsible adoption of emerging financial technologies and exploring avenues of cooperation that benefit both nations, as well as the region as a whole.