CNAD Notice & News

E-GRAINS S.A. DE C.V. (E-GRAINS) Launch of $ESOY for Public Offer

E-GRAINS S.A. DE C.V. (E-GRAINS) Launch of $ESOY for Public Offer

The National Digital Assets Commission is pleased to share the news of the launch of the issuance of $ESOY tokens backed by soybeans, which opens the doors to private issuances after the historic milestone of the Volcano Bond, the first issuance approved on December 11, 2023.

E-GRAINS is a company registered as an issuer of digital assets with CNAD number: EAD0002, and $ESOY has been duly registered as a digital asset for public issuance with the National Commission for Digital Assets (CNAD) with registration number AD00002.

Any additional information about the issue can be verified in the Public Registry available on the Commission’s