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Interview with Juan Carlos Reyes, President of the National Digital Assets Commission (CNAD) on Bitcoin Pizza Day highlights the opportunities of digital assets in El Salvador

Interview with Juan Carlos Reyes, President of the National Digital Assets Commission (CNAD) on Bitcoin Pizza Day highlights the opportunities of digital assets in El Salvador

president of the national commission of digital assets in el salvador being interviewed by cryptolawyer

On Bitcoin Pizza Day, celebrated this past May 22nd at the Bitcoin Cultural Space in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Juan Carlos Reyes, President of El Salvador’s National Digital Assets Commission (CNAD), gave an interview to Ana Gabriela Ojeda, known as Cryptolawyer. The interview, titled “Bitcoin and Beyond – The Digital Assets Journey in El Salvador and Opportunities,” allowed Reyes to share the progress of El Salvador since adopting Bitcoin as legal tender in 2021, highlighting its position as a leader in the use and development of digital assets.

Bitcoin Pizza Day commemorates May 22nd, 2010, when a bitcoin user bought two large pizzas for a total of 10,000 bitcoins, marking the first time bitcoin was used to acquire a physical good. During the interview, Reyes emphasized that the implementation of Bitcoin as legal tender in El Salvador “is a pioneering vision for the future,” underscoring the opportunities that digital assets offer for the economic development of El Salvador and the region. He also emphasized the fundamental role of CNAD in the regulation and advancement of these assets.

Additionally, the challenges faced by CNAD in its mission to regulate, supervise, and promote the use of digital assets in El Salvador were discussed. Reyes mentioned that currently, CNAD is focused on the tokenization of real-world assets, an initiative that aims to further integrate the digital economy with the physical one, providing new investment opportunities and economic development for the country.